Best Practices for College Students Searching for an Internship

By: Katelyn McDonnell, Kester Search Group® Intern 2024

Finding an internship can be a daunting task for many college students, especially when hearing friends talk excitedly about their upcoming roles. However, it’s essential to approach the process systematically and with patience. 

As an intern at a recruiting company, I’ve gained knowledge and experience in talent search and acquisition. When I first started at KSG, I wasn’t sure how these processes worked. However, through my involvement in various projects and responsibilities, I’ve come to understand the significance of finding a job that matches well with a candidate’s skills and aspirations, and the necessary steps to achieve this goal.

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  1. What are your current skills/experience?

Conducting a self-assessment before starting your job search helps you identify your qualifications upfront and sets realistic expectations, resulting in an efficient job search.

  1. What are you looking for?

Consider the type of role you envision:

  • Small vs. Big company
  • Remote, In-person, or Hybrid
  • Full vs. part-time
  • Location
  • Company Culture/people
  • Pay
  • Area of business


  1. NETWORK: Attend social events at school and make connections through LinkedIn. Building relationships can lead to learning about potential roles and gaining advice from experienced professionals. In addition, you never know, someone you meet could be hiring for your dream position!
  2. UTILIZE CAMPUS RESOURCES: Take advantage of career fairs, workshops, and faculty connections. Engaging with these resources provides insights into your field of interest and potential internship opportunities.
  3. STAY ORGANIZED: Maintain a list of companies you’re interested in, positions you’ve found, and applications you’ve submitted. Organizing this information ensures you don’t overlook opportunities and helps manage your interview process effectively.
  4. BE OPEN-MINDED: While having specific career goals is important, be open to exploring different roles. Internships are about gaining experience and discovering what aligns best with your interests and skills, not necessarily finding your permanent role.
  5. BE PATIENT: Landing the right internship takes time and persistence. Don’t be discouraged by rejections or delays—use each experience to learn and grow professionally.

Remember, not securing an internship doesn’t hinder your career. Many successful professionals started with traditional jobs and later transitioned to fulfilling careers. Stay positive, remain versatile, and embrace the journey of discovering where you fit best.